Are you offering in-person services right now?

We are a 100% virtual company.

This means that our therapists are offering video and telephone sessions, whatever you prefer!

Studies have shown that video and telephone sessions are just as effective as in-person sessions. Virtual therapy provides the opportunity to connect with a therapist in the comfort of your own home! We have some fantastic blog posts written by our clinical team which can help ease some anxieties around virtual therapy: The Benefits of Online Therapy, and The Key to Great Video Therapy.

With that being said… we understand that holding privacy for yourself during a virtual therapy session might be challenging. That is why our Care Team is happy to explore ways in which we can support you in holding privacy for yourself. For instance, going for a walk is a great method that can be incorporated into therapy! If you have access to headphones, you just have to pop them in and "walk and talk." If you would prefer video sessions and have the means, you can also attend sessions from within your car (while parked, of course), or in a safe space outdoors. 

Want to get started? Feel free to complete our Matching Questionnaire and someone from the Care Team will connect with you right away in finding the perfect therapist match. You can also connect with us by telephone at 1 (800) 661-8681, or email us at!