Do you offer a special rate for students?

Yes, many of our therapists offer a student rate for post-secondary students!

We understand that many post-secondary students are experiencing the “adult world,” with “adult fees” for the first time!

Students currently registered in post-secondary education as full-time students are eligible for a special student rate of $125 per session. If you're enrolled in a student insurance plan, we strongly recommend checking if you have reimbursement coverage as well.

Aligning with our mission to keep therapy accessible, this rate is reserved for students currently enrolled in college or university only and does not include students in high school. 

If you need a more accessible rate but are not currently a post-secondary student, feel free to discuss a reduced rate option with your therapist or contact our Care Team to see if any options are available. You can reach the Care Team by phone at 1 (800) 661-8681, or by email at